Coppermine Photo Gallery
Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Coppermine Dev Team
v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Coppermine version: 1.5.28
$HeadURL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/coppermine/code/trunk/cpg1.5.x/CHANGELOG.txt $
$Revision: 8683 $
[A] = Added new feature
[B] = Bugfix (fix something that wasn't working as expected)
[C] = Cosmetical fix (layout, typo etc.)
[D] = Documentation improvements
[M] = Maintenance works
[O] = Optimization of code
[S] = Security fix (issues that are related to security)
2014-04-02 [M] Release of cpg1.5.28 {eenemeenemuu}
2014-04-02 [D] Updated packaging docs {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-27 [B] Fixed utilization of CSS class 'middlethumb' on film strip (thread ID 77353) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-11 [S] Fixed XSS issue {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-11 [B] Fixed several issues with keywords manager {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-11 [A] Added function 'theme_album_info' to make information which is displayed next to each album themeable {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-05 [A] Increased character limit to allow recently released top level domains (thread ID 77183) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-05 [A] Added plugin hooks 'comment_update', 'comment_add' and 'comment_approve' (thread ID 60896) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-05 [A] Added plugin hook 'theme_thumbnails_header' {eenemeenemuu}
2014-02-27 [O] Updated Catalan language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-02-04 [O] Replaced some jQuery code with plain JavaScript code to make admin tools compatible with later jQuery versions, in case users want to upgrade (thread ID 76858) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-29 [B] Fixed function 'starttable' in theme 'curve' to make fully compatible with plugin hook 'search_form' {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-29 [A] Added possibility to use pictures linked to albums via album keyword as category thumbnail (thread ID 77008) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-28 [B] Don't redirect to registration form after login (thread ID 77140) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-23 [C] Moved config options "Horizontal/vertical padding for full-size pop-up", "Albums can be private" and "Show private album icon to unlogged user" to other groups {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-23 [B] Fixed album and file count if category contains currently not displayed sub-categories (thread ID 60827 & 76914) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-23 [D] Updated known issues page {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-23 [B] Fixed album and file count if category contains private albums {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-22 [O] Optimized main page code to reduce database query count {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-21 [D] Fixed various documentation glitches {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-21 [B] Fixed reference to documentation in config {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-21 [A] Added hidden feature to regard upload time of linked files in album info (thread ID 77021) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-20 [C] Removed duplicate page header if error occurs when deleting an album {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-17 [C] Fixed display of keywords with special characters (thread ID 76830) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-09 [B] Fixed misleading template error message {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-09 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.26 to cpg1.5.27 {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-07 [M] Release of cpg1.5.26 {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-03 [S] Fixed permission check if users aren't allowed to upload to public albums (thread ID 76979) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-02 [M] Updated header information to reflect new year {eenemeenemuu}
2013-12-27 [O] Updated Czech language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-12-18 [S] Updated SWFUpload to fix several XSS issues (thread ID 76930) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-12-17 [S] Fixed XSS issue (thread ID 76930) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-12-12 [A] Added constant THEME_HAS_COMMENT_GRAPHICS to use theme-depended images for approve/disapprove/delete/edit/report comments (thread ID 76746) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-12-12 [B] Fixed smiley detection in theme directory (thread ID 76746) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-12-12 [A] Added CSS classes "thumb_title_title", "thumb_title_views", "thumb_title_owner", "thumb_caption_caption", "thumb_caption_msg_date", "thumb_caption_author", "thumb_caption_ctime", "thumb_caption_rating", "thumb_caption_mtime" to thumbnail meta data on thumbnails.php pages (thread ID 76902) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-11-28 [S] Fixed XSS issue (thread ID 76830) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-11-06 [B] Removed references to constants THEME_HAS_VANITY_GRAPHICS and THEME_IS_XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL, as they didn't worked as intended {eenemeenemuu}
2013-11-06 [B] Fixed clickable keyword list content (thread ID 76793) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-11-06 [A] Added CSS class "thumbnail" to album thumbnails (thread ID 76662) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-11-05 [A] Added CSS class "thumbnail" to thumbnail images on thumbnails.php pages (thread ID 76662) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-11-05 [D] Fixed docs regarding user quota (thread ID 76773) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-11-01 [C] Shuffled thumbnails for meta album "random" instead of sorting them by pid (thread ID 76742) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-10-31 [B] Fixed regex check for "The content of the main page" in config (thread ID 76317) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-10-14 [D] Updated template plugin to match fixed typo in the docs (thread ID 76720) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-10-14 [D] Fixed typo in plugin writing docs (thread ID 76720) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-10-10 [O] Optimized album thumbnails code to reduce database query count (thread ID 76466) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-10-09 [B] Extended captcha_plugin_enabled function to distinguish various forms {eenemeenemuu}
2013-10-04 [B] Added PHP4-replacement of function htmlspecialchars_decode to fix email issues (thread ID 76665) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-09-06 [B] Fixed strict standards warning messages (thread ID 76493) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-09-06 [C] Fixed display of additional groups on profile page if user doesn't belong to more than one group {eenemeenemuu}
2013-09-05 [C] Fixed display of quota on profile page if user belongs to more than one group {eenemeenemuu}
2013-09-02 [A] Added possibility to choose category thumbnail for user galleries category (thread ID 76604) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-09-02 [O] Optimized code if 'Show first level album thumbnails in categories' is disabled (thread ID 76466) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-08-28 [O] Optimized admin tools "Update thumbs and/or resized photos" and "Delete original image backup for watermarked images" (thread ID 75189) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-08-26 [B] Fixed possible issue when searching for image titles (thread ID 76393) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-08-26 [B] Fixed error message when removing favorite pictures (thread ID 76549) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-08-21 [B] Fixed custom menu link icon (thread ID 76418) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-23 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.24 to cpg1.5.25 {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-22 [M] Release of cpg1.5.24 {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-22 [B] Added missing plugin hooks to theme 'curve' (thread ID 75613) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-16 [A] Added IP address to security log (thread ID 75085) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-15 [B] Fixed accent issues on keyword manager (thread ID 76226) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-06 [A] Added support for Internet Explorer 9 & 10 to statistic details page (thread ID 76221) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-03 [A] Added Windows 8 support to statistic details page (thread ID 76221) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-02 [O] Merged missing code changes of error message support for the batch add process {eenemeenemuu}
2013-05-02 [A] Don't check unsupported/disallowed file types at the batch-add upload form (thread ID 76084) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-04-26 [C] Fixed PHP notices during install (thread ID 64257) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-04-10 [B] Fixed possible missing parameter error during registration process (thread ID 76112) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-04-09 [A] Added Persian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-03-20 [B] Fixed registration process if "personal_album_on_registration" is enabled (related to thread ID 74187) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-02-28 [B] Fixed edit files button next to public albums if user isn't allowed to create albums, but can upload files (thread ID 75545) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-02-01 [D] Updated packaging docs {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-30 [A] Display maximum allowed file size when using the Flash-driven uploader {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-25 [B] Fixed album drop-down box options for guests (thread ID 75905) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-24 [A] More precise database query times in debug output (thread ID 75864) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-17 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.22 to cpg1.5.23 {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-11 [M] Release of cpg1.5.22 {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-10 [M] Updated header information to reflect new year {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-10 [B] Fixed album ownership of automatically created user albums during user registration (thread ID 74187) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-10 [B] Added button if user is allowed to edit files in public albums (thread ID 75545) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-09 [B] Fixed check if user is allowed to edit files in public albums {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-09 [C] Unified album drop-down boxes (thread ID 75840) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-09 [B] Don't use pictures from password protected albums as user gallery icon (thread ID 75780) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-09 [B] Removed possible category dupes from album drop-down box at several places (only occur in user mode) {eenemeenemuu}
2013-01-09 [C] Removed category hierarchy string from album drop-down box at several places {eenemeenemuu}
2012-12-07 [D] Updated docs to reflect changes of Subversion repository {eenemeenemuu}
2012-11-29 [B] Fixed album properties "Choose album" drop-down list for regular users {eenemeenemuu}
2012-11-28 [A] Added hidden feature to display all files after flash upload (thread ID 75588) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-11-01 [B] Fixed performance issue on intermediate-sized view for large files (thread ID 75589) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-10-31 [C] Fixed formatting of some help pages (thread ID 75476) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-10-23 [B] Fixed upload for guests (thread ID 75559) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-10-08 [B] Added form token check to flash uploader (thread ID 75503) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-09-27 [C] Fixed typo in Swedish language file {eenemeenemuu}
2012-09-13 [C] Hide "My gallery" button for guests (thread ID 75399) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-09-13 [C] Hide upload button for guests with upload permission if there's no album with uploads enabled {eenemeenemuu}
2012-09-13 [B] Don't list administrator and guest groups in category manager's "allowed to create albums" dropdown box {eenemeenemuu}
2012-09-11 [C] Fixed typo in French language file (thread ID 75414) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-17 [C] Optical improvement of dropdown box at batch-add interface (thread ID 75178) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-06 [A] Order pictures by 'ctime' instead of by 'pid' (thread ID 65676) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-06 [C] Use correct language flag for Luxembourgish language file (thread ID 75160) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-06 [A] Added hidden feature to toggle the display of the sort buttons on the thumbnail page {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-05 [O] Optimized function 'get_pic_pos' {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-04 [C] Made debug output W3C conform (thread ID 75049) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-04 [B] Fixed "My gallery" view for user admin mode {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-02 [C] Replaced special HTML entities with characters on email subject (thread ID 75052) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-06-29 [A] Added hidden feature to set sort order of albums (thread ID 75112) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-06-29 [B] Fixed predefined album name when editing albums at the album manager {eenemeenemuu}
2012-06-26 [O] Updated Danish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-06-07 [O] Strip unneeded EXIF data before storing it in the database (thread ID 75011) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-05-31 [A] Also reset album views when "Reset view counters" is chosen at the admin tools (thread ID 74958) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-05-29 [A] Prepared code for user cookie consent (thread ID 74961) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-05-23 [A] Added plugin hook 'upload_file_name' to batch-add interface {eenemeenemuu}
2012-05-07 [B] Fixed error message 'undefined function gettext()' when using EXIF library (thread ID 74818) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-05-04 [B] Fixed several possible MySQL permission issues for bridged galleries {eenemeenemuu}
2012-05-03 [C] Fixed several table width layout issues {eenemeenemuu}
2012-04-26 [C] Fixed named anchors in plugin manager {eenemeenemuu}
2012-04-20 [B] Fixed handling of intermediate-sized files in admin tools and during upload (thread ID 74769) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-04-20 [B] Fixed "newer/older than" search feature {eenemeenemuu}
2012-04-17 [O] Moved comparison from several places to function 'cpg_picture_dimension_exceeds_intermediate_limit' {eenemeenemuu}
2012-04-16 [O] Updated Brazilian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-04-16 [O] Updated Italian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-04-12 [B] Fixed 'album has been locked for editing' message for secondary group memberships (thread ID 74756) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-30 [C] Changed icon for 'retry' button on installer {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-30 [B] Select newly created database during Coppermine installation {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-30 [D] Re-arranged packaging steps in English docs {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-29 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.20 to cpg1.5.21 {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-29 [M] Release of cpg1.5.20 {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-29 [B] Fixed different gallery behavior for register_globals on/off setting (thread ID 74360) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-29 [B] Fixed error message when activating more than one user in the user manager (thread ID 74326) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-29 [B] Fixed search results when searching for specific characters (thread ID 74678) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-29 [B] Fixed clickable keywords in file information box at intermediate view (thread ID 74678) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-29 [S] Fixed XSS issue (thread ID 74678) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-28 [S] Fixed several path disclosure vulnerabilities (thread ID 74678) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-26 [O] Updated EXIF library (thread ID 74671) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-23 [B] Fixed error message at "Edit file information" form (thread ID 74648) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-20 [C] Added Opera compatibility for rounded corners to theme 'curve' (thread ID 74598) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-16 [O] Moved code from usermgr.php to function 'cpg_get_groups' {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-15 [A] Display default groups "Administrators" and "Registered" on modify user page (thread ID 74391) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-15 [B] Fixed quota bar in user manager for secondary group memberships (thread ID 74392) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-14 [A] Added plugin hook 'theme_album_params' {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-14 [B] Fixed behavior of "Show first level album thumbnails in categories" setting (thread ID 74568) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-08 [A] New feature: display only the uploaded files from the last queue after flash upload (thread ID 73826) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-08 [A] Re-added 'search by owner name' checkbox to search form (thread ID 66818 & 67757) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-03-06 [O] Updated Italian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-02-27 [D] Changed status in credits section to 'retired' {GauGau}
2012-02-24 [O] Updated Serbian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-02-23 [B] Fixed email validation for registration process (thread ID 74388) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-01-31 [B] Fixed broken IP address lookup (thread ID 74346) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-01-27 [B] Disabled possibility to move albums to root level of user category (thread ID 74323) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-01-10 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.18 to cpg1.5.19 {eenemeenemuu}
2012-01-10 [M] Release of cpg1.5.18 {eenemeenemuu}
2012-01-10 [M] Updated header information to reflect new year {eenemeenemuu}
2012-01-10 [O] Updated date/time formats in English (British) language file (thread ID 72549) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-12-28 [S] Fixed a potential path disclosure vulnerability in core plugin configuration files {Abbas}
2011-12-16 [A] Added captcha for ecards feature (thread ID 71501) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-12-15 [A] Create user album in personal gallery when user is created via the user manager (thread ID 74013) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-11-24 [A] Use selected album thumbnail for 'lastup' meta album (thread ID 73946) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-11-17 [A] Added hidden feature "Create sub-directory named according to the album ID in users' upload directories during HTTP upload" {eenemeenemuu}
2011-11-16 [B] Fixed misleading error message when uploading files that exceed the file size limit with the simple upload form (thread ID 61711) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-28 [B] Fixed critical error for 'lasthits' meta album (thread ID 73801) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-26 [B] Fixed clickable keywords with spaces (thread ID 73804) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-19 [B] Fixed album thumbnails for public albums in 'My gallery' view for regular users {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-19 [B] Fixed issue with very big 'Max size for uploaded files' values (thread ID 73722) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-17 [B] Disallow dots in cookie name (thread ID 73655) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-13 [B] Fixed infinite loop for delayed cookie issue workaround (thread ID 73655) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-12 [A] Added anchors on plugin manager {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-07 [A] Added upload button after each album name in album manager {eenemeenemuu}
2011-09-16 [B] Fixed simple upload process when users can just upload to their personal gallery (thread ID 73570) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-09-13 [O] Updated Arabic language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-09-05 [C] Add default values on 'onlinestats' installation to avoid weird dates right after plugin installation (thread ID 73467) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-09-02 [A] Added plugin hook 'upload_file_name' {eenemeenemuu}
2011-09-01 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.16 to cpg1.5.17 {eenemeenemuu}
2011-09-01 [M] Release of cpg1.5.16 {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-31 [A] Also send activation confirmation email if the user has been activated via the user manager (thread ID 69706) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-31 [B] Fixed display of non-image files when 'Go directly from thumbnail to full-sized image' is enabled in config (thread ID 72456) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-30 [A] Added plugin hook 'register_form_validate' {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-22 [S] Fixed issue with registration process if both email verification and admin activation are enabled {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-10 [B] Fixed 'delete all comments' function in album properties {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-02 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.14 to cpg1.5.15 {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-01 [M] Release of cpg1.5.14 {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-01 [B] Added workaround for delayed cookie issue during login (thread ID 73016) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-08-01 [C] Moved memberlist button to home menu drop-down for theme 'curve' (thread ID 73255) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-28 [B] Fixed first level album thumbnails if thumbnail image doesn't exist {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-28 [B] Fixed critical error message for meta album 'lastalb' if thumbnail image doesn't exist (thread ID 67596) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-28 [D] Adjusted part of documentation to reflect cpg1.5.x code change (thread ID 71932) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-27 [B] Fixed thumbnail pages dropdown list on album list (thread ID 69511) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-27 [C] Fixed admin tools format in eyeball theme (thread ID 69705) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-27 [B] Fixed visibility issue when setting an album password with IE (thread ID 70248) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-27 [B] Fixed batch-add issue if no file is selected (thread ID 70342) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-27 [B] Fixed permission issue if admin tries to create a personal album (thread ID 72009) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-26 [D] Display exact character encoding in config (thread ID 73209) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-25 [B] Fixed valid token issue during logout (thread ID 61186) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-07-21 [B] Fixed several keywords issues (issues with ampersands and spaces, leftover keyword separators) (thread ID 73161) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-05-26 [B] Fixed user manager issue (thread ID 72070) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-05-19 [O] Updated Turkish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-05-09 [B] Fixed display of random album thumbnail in sub-category if album keyword is set (thread ID 72302) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-05-03 [B] Fixed selection of gallery icon for user categories (thread ID 72274) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-04-27 [B] Fixed safe_mode check when sending emails {eenemeenemuu}
2011-04-18 [B] Fixed embedding of SWF files (thread ID 72138) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-04-07 [A] Added Serbian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-03-23 [B] Fixed detection of intermediate-sized pictures when renaming files (thread ID 67894) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-03-22 [B] Fixed some missing icons in help pages (thread ID 71725) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-03-14 [B] Fixed PHP notices 'Undefined variable' and 'Use of undefined constant' during install step 2 (thread ID 71384) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-03-08 [B] Added missing jump label 'top_display_media' to theme 'eyeball' (thread ID 71017) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-02-10 [B] Fixed validation of ImageMagick path in config {eenemeenemuu}
2011-02-09 [C] Fixed spelling of 'email' in German language files {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-20 [B] Use the intermediate picture 'use dimension' setting when resizing full-sized pictures during the upload process {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-20 [B] Fixed album thumbnail for keyword albums without physical files when link_pic_count is disabled (thread ID 69449) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-18 [A] Added Norwegian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-15 [C] Fixed version number displayed on the index page in the doc {Frantz}
2011-01-11 [B] Fixed username in activation mail (thread ID 69555) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-03 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.12 to cpg1.5.13 {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-02 [M] Release of cpg1.5.12 {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-02 [S] Fixed XSS issues (thread ID 69327) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-02 [B] Fixed playback of Windows Media Player videos (thread ID 68537) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-01-02 [B] Fixed PHP session name for captcha (thread ID 69293) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-12-30 [C] Fixed colspan for guest comments when captcha is enabled (thread ID 69330) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-12-15 [B] Fixed memberlist issue when database name contains a dash (thread ID 68843) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-12-14 [B] Fixed custom thumbnail for files with uppercase extension (thread ID 68809) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-12-12 [O] Updated Portuguese language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-12-12 [B] Fixed function 'utf_replace' (thread ID 68753) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-12-12 [C] Fixed indent for subcategories (thread ID 68764) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-12-09 [B] Fixed film strip issue (thread ID 68585) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-30 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.10 to cpg1.5.11 {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-30 [M] Release of cpg1.5.10 {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-30 [B] Fixed issue with language manager (thread ID 68309) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-27 [S] Fixed potential security issue during installation (thread ID 68285) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-25 [A] Added missing/new plugin hooks to visiblehookpoints plugin {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-24 [O] Always use PHP time when querying the database (thread ID 67015) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-22 [B] No error message for admin during upload if image dimension exceeds configuration value (thread ID 68240) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-22 [A] Added plugin hook 'replace_forbidden_conditions' (thread ID 67987) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-22 [C] Theme 'curve': remove drop-down menu leftover if empty (thread ID 68243) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-20 [B] Fixed use of intermediate-sized image (thread ID 67894) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-19 [A] Display more batch add error messages {Nibbler}
2010-11-19 [O] Adjusted/added maxlength parameter for album title/keyword according to database types (thread ID 67671) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-19 [O] Consistent use of plugin hook types 'action' and 'filter' (thread ID 67630) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-16 [B] Fixed ownership of albums created with xp publisher {Nibbler}
2010-11-15 [B] Add anonymous group if it doesn't exist (thread ID 67137) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-14 [B] Fixed comment approval when editing comments (thread ID 68066) {Nibbler}
2010-11-10 [O] No longer specify a MySQL engine - use the server default. {Nibbler}
2010-11-10 [B] Fixed picture manager - show user created albums in public categories (thread ID 67937) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-10 [B] Fixed renaming of already added files during batch-add (thread ID 67993) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-05 [C] Fixed error message when entering invalid email address in profile manager (thread ID 67903) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-05 [C] Fixed spelling of ImageMagick (thread ID 67902) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-04 [B] Removed declaration of function 'cpg_folder_file_delete' from update.php (thread ID 65708) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-04 [B] Fixed picture resizing via admin tools (thread ID 66802) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-04 [B] Removed value 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' from client ID generator (thread ID 59698) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-02 [C] Added label for 'remember me' checkbox (thread ID 67840) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-01 [B] Skip unknown file types during batch-add process (thread ID 67815) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-28 [B] Fixed issue with 'User Gallery Alphabetic Tabbing' plugin when bridged (thread ID 66905) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-22 [B] Fixed default selection of check boxes for batch-add (thread ID 67107) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-22 [B] If error occurs during batch-add, show error message and don't redirect automatically (thread ID 67392) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-14 [A] Added plugin hooks 'after_edit_file', 'upload_html_pre_move' and 'upload_swf_pre_move' (thread ID 60896) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-14 [C] Added additional submit button on top of 'Edit files' form (thread ID 67563) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-13 [B] Use IPTC headline instead of IPTC title as picture title according to docs (thread ID 61380) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-13 [B] Fixed implementation of plugin hook 'ip_information' (thread ID 67187) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-12 [B] Fixed last visit display in user manager when bridged with SMF2 (thread ID 67422) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-10-05 [D] Added partial Swedish documentation {GauGau}
2010-10-05 [O] Updated Swedish language file (previous version was mainly a Danish language file) {GauGau}
2010-10-03 [B] Fixed template placeholder bug that caused cut off tags {Nibbler}
2010-10-01 [B] Fixed use of mysql_insert_id (thread ID 67402) {Nibbler}
2010-10-01 [B] Fixed critical error on memberlist when bridged (thread ID 64678) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-30 [C] Fixed deprecated message on pluginmgr.php (thread ID 67308) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-27 [B] Fixed session table name in SMF bridge files (thread ID 67169) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-27 [C] Fixed error message if uploaded file exceeds dimension limit (thread ID 67282) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-16 [B] Fixed registration process if both email verification and admin activation enabled (thread ID 67095) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-12 [B] Fixed display of unprocessed bbcode markup in ecard display {Nibbler}
2010-09-10 [O] Optimized picture resizing and watermarking procedure {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-10 [B] Fixed exif issue when auto resizing is enabled and watermarking is disabled (thread ID 66994 & 66489) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-10 [A] Show 'upload needs admin approval' message for flash uploader (thread ID 66832) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-10 [B] Fixed setting email sender address {Nibbler}
2010-09-03 [B] Updated regex to fix error message for blank 'allowed file types' values (thread ID 66289) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-03 [B] Fixed missing classid attribute causing videos not to play (thread ID 66477 & 66393) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-03 [B] Fixed issue when regular users try to upload to self-created public albums with simple upload form (thread ID 66903) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-02 [B] Allow admin to change email address (thread ID 66881) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-01 [B] Fixed template error if guests are allowed to create public albums {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-01 [A] Added partial Catalan language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-09-01 [A] Added partial Portuguese language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-31 [C] HTML validation (thread ID 66448) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-30 [B] Fixed issue where users can edit public albums (thread ID 66380) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-30 [B] Fixed lower case user name issue with plugin usergal_alphatabs (thread ID 66485) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-23 [B] Fixed album manager issue when users aren't allowed to create private albums (thread ID 66325) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-23 [B] Added code that makes sure mb_strlen actually exists when called (thread ID 66674) {GauGau}
2010-08-20 [B] Updated default value of transparent_overlay in configuration.htm (thread ID 66660) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-20 [O] Updated Finnish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-19 [B] Added language fallback to function cpg_get_default_lang_var (thread ID 66513) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-16 [A] Added Icelandic language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-16 [A] Added Italian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-16 [A] Added partial Swedish language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-08-14 [B] Fixed search feature in the keyword manager (thread 66550) {Frantz}
2010-08-14 [B] Corrected French lang file to fix the non showing dropdown in the user manager (thread ID 66524) {Frantz}
2010-08-12 [B] Fixed admin email address validation (thread ID 66512) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-12 [B] Added charsetmgr.php to the delete files array (thread ID 66490) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-12 [B] Fixed issue with plugin usergal_alphatabs when bridged (thread ID 66340) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-10 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.8 to cpg1.5.9 {eenemeenemuu}
2010-08-09 [B] Fixed default page when comments are sorted in descending order (thread ID 66441) {Nibbler}
2010-08-06 [M] Release of cpg1.5.8 {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-28 [B] Fixed setting default language with language manager (thread ID 66276) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-28 [M] Changed form token generation - removed trouble maker parameters (thread ID 65918) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-28 [B] Fixed language manager issue for language files with underscore (thread ID 66274) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-24 [B] Set moderator group to '0' for all albums to avoid problems for people who used that feature before it was dropped (thread ID 66118) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-22 [B] Fixed ecard if no intermediate picture is present (thread ID 66161) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-22 [A] Added Estonian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-21 [B] Update 'last visit' time if it's a 'remember me' session (thread ID 66145) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-21 [A] Added Slovak language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-19 [A] While deleting non-images, delete the corresponding custom thumbnail if exists {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-19 [A] While renaming non-images, rename the corresponding custom thumbnail if exists {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-19 [O] While renaming files, check if there will be no conflicts before doing anything {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-16 [A] Added plugin hook 'token_criteria' {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-16 [C] Fixed missing CSS class cpg_summary and icon replacement leading to broken output of help boxes on config screen (thread IDs 65994 and 65996) {GauGau}
2010-07-13 [B] Fixed possibility for users to edit their files in public galleries if disabled in config (thread ID 65693) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-13 [A] Disable the possibility for guests to enter file details by default (thread ID 62522) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-13 [B] Fixed error message when regular users try to delete their albums in public categories {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-13 [M] Re-organizing zip archives inside docs folder {GauGau}
2010-07-12 [D] Adding documentation about plugin config options {GauGau}
2010-07-09 [B] Fixed issue when reset file ratings (thread ID 65896) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-05 [B] Fixed empty values for 'reason' in 'report to administrator' email (thread ID 65752) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-05 [B] Fixed category view when albums with keywords are present (thread ID 64155) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-05 [B] Changed type of plugin hooks 'theme_thumbnails_wrapper_start/end' from 'filter' to 'action' and adjusted English documentation accordingly (thread ID 58734) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-05 [A] Added search terms to the title of the thumbnails page (thread ID 65840) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-07-05 [A] Added Japanese language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-07-02 [D] Adding boxes to config documentation for defaults, max, min, recomended and record name {GauGau}
2010-06-30 [B] Display Coppermine news always in an iframe (thread ID 65424) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-29 [B] Fixed error message for non existing categories (thread ID 65763) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-26 [B] Replaced wrong link in update.php (thread ID 65714) {GauGau}
2010-06-25 [B] Added language table population section to update script to stop cpg1.4.x upgrades seing only Luxemburgish and Mexican as available langauges {GauGau}
2010-06-25 [O] Updated Turkish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-24 [A] Show password prompt if user tries to access file in password protected album directly {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-24 [A] Added Brazilian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-24 [B] Fixed uploading to password protected albums in public categories (thread ID 65677) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-22 [B] Changed default values for user galleries category (thread ID 65543) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-21 [B] Fixed album visibility issue with user galleries (thread ID 65543) {Nibbler}
2010-06-21 [B] Changed fix for category alpha sorting {Nibbler}
2010-06-21 [B] Fixed a critical error with the most viewed meta album {Nibbler}
2010-06-21 [O] Updated French language file (improvement and corrections){Frantz}
2010-06-21 [B] Allow higher port numbers for the site url config setting {Nibbler}
2010-06-18 [B] Fixed display of swf files in Firefox (thread ID 63624) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-17 [B] Fixed resizing of watermark backup images (thread ID 65531) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-17 [B] Fixed category permissions for secondary user groups (thread ID 65551) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-17 [B] Fixed issue when editing user albums (thread ID 65542) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-17 [B] Fixed issues with usergal_alphatabs plugin (thread ID 65473 & 65547) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-16 [C] Fixed line breaks in contact form emails {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-15 [D] Removed outdated FAQ items {GauGau}
2010-06-12 [O] Updated Hungarian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-11 [B] Fixed pre-population of user name on comments form (thread ID 65293) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-11 [B] Fixed timeout issue when fetching remote files (thread ID 65424) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-11 [B] Fixed thumb sharpening (thread ID 65398) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-11 [A] Place new comments form accordingly to sort order of comments (thread ID 65461) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-10 [A] Added Danish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-10 [B] Added default value for 'user_profile6' during user creation (thread ID 65451) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-10 [B] Fixed HTML validation issue for german lang files - replaced & by & {Timo}
2010-06-07 [D] Updated plugin manager documentation (thread ID 65379) {GauGau}
2010-06-07 [A] Added Hungarian language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-06-07 [M] Counted version count up in SVN repository from cpg1.5.6 to cpg1.5.7 {GauGau}
2010-06-07 [B] Fixed pagination for user manager (thread ID 65365) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-06 [O] Updated Finnish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-04 [M] Release of cpg1.5.6 {GauGau}
2010-06-04 [B] Fixed display of upload approval button (thread ID 65314) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-04 [B] Fixed query for album moderation group (thread ID 65312) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-04 [B] Fixed config value for path to ImageMagick when selecting GD during intallation (thread ID 65177) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-04 [A] Differentiate user registrations and admin user creations in access log file (thread ID 65298) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-04 [M] Removed cpg1.3.x theme upgrade guide, as a direct upgrade from cpg1.3.x to cpg1.5.x no longer is supported {GauGau}
2010-06-03 [B] Fixed log file entry on user registration/creation (thread ID 65290) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-03 [B] Fixed ip address dupes at various places (thread ID 65294) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-03 [B] Fixed issue when creating users (thread ID 64457) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-03 [B] Fixed issue when uploading plugins to windows driven galleries {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-03 [B] Fixed typo that caused the display of the 'not supported version' message box (thread ID 65224) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-03 [O] Updated Czech language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-02 [B] Fixed ip address dupes on stat_details.php (thread ID 65230) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-02 [B] Extended lang_byte_units array for some language files (thread ID 65231) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-02 [B] Fixed broken link (thread ID 65226) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-02 [M] Release of cpg1.5.4 as initial stable release for the public {GauGau}
2010-06-01 [M] Preparing the release of cpg1.5.4 {GauGau}
2010-06-01 [B] Fixed issue when selecting IM on installation (thread ID 65185) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-06-01 [B] Moved profile button for curve theme (thread ID 65204) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-31 [A] Added Ukrainian language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-05-27 [A] Remove outdated guest_tokens (thread ID 62522) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-27 [M] Hid album moderation drop down box on modifyalb.php (thread ID 64408) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-27 [B] Disabled selection of another album after successful flash upload (thread ID 64310) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-27 [B] Fixed blank names when batch adding secondary user group with usermgr.php (thread ID 64410) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-27 [B] Fixed sorting categories alphabetically (thread ID 64477) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-27 [C] Changed table headers of usermgr.php and reviewcom.php (thread ID 64166) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-27 [C] Changed table header of groupmgr.php (thread ID 64407) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-26 [B] Fixed clipping of comments (thread ID 64662) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-26 [B] Fixed display for regular users if they have no quota {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-26 [B] Fixed quota display for regular users (thread ID 64452) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-26 [D] Added section about creating svn tags to documentation (thread ID 38932) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-25 [B] Porting the security fix that lead to the release of cpg1.4.27 for cpg1.5.x (making sure that image_processor.php doesn't exist) {GauGau}
2010-05-24 [D] Added screenshots to install screen documentation {GauGau}
2010-05-24 [D] Added fullsize jquery plugin to docs {GauGau}
2010-05-20 [S] Fixed potential XSS issue (thread ID 64734) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-20 [D] Added ownership section to permissions page. Added webserver response codes to errors page. {GauGau}
2010-05-19 [O] Revised session handling (thread ID 65012) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-19 [A] Added partial Czech translation (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-05-11 [D] Added apache server response codes {GauGau}
2010-05-12 [B] Fixed language issue during installation (thread ID 64829) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-12 [B] Fixed dupes when ordering by position (thread ID 64919) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-11 [D] Added theme examples to navigation {GauGau}
2010-05-11 [D] Started Spanish translation of documentation (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-05-11 [B] Fixed ambiguous column name (thread ID 64809) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-10 [A] Fixed check for missing JAVASCRIPT token (thread ID 63279) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-10 [A] Added check for missing JAVASCRIPT token (thread ID 63279) {GauGau}
2010-05-10 [D] Added navigation sub-items to theme creation tutorial {GauGau}
2010-05-10 [D] Added clarification about editing include/themes.inc.php {GauGau}
2010-05-10 [A] Added klingon flag for a possible future language file {GauGau}
2010-05-05 [B] Fixed disabling of browse by date button (thread ID 64806) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-03 [A] Added plugin hook to display something after an IP address {GauGau}
2010-05-03 [D] Updated Dutch translation (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-05-02 [B] Fixed faulty executed database update on stat_details.php {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-02 [C] Fixed missing header for overall stats (thread ID 64799) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-02 [B] Fixed js error for search meta album (thread ID 64312) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-02 [B] Fixed 'crop and rotate' issue {eenemeenemuu}
2010-05-01 [B] Fixed issue when performing an OR search (thread ID 64786) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-28 [O] Updated language file for Castilian Spanish (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-04-28 [A] Added partial translation of Mexican Spanish (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-04-27 [B] Fixed help text issue (thread ID 64743) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-27 [A] Added partial Luxembourgish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-27 [A] Added partial Turkish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-26 [A] Added user-contributed partially-translated Spanish language file that is more complete than the previous one (but still incomplete) {GauGau}
2010-04-26 [D] Added language details to documentation navigation {GauGau}
2010-04-24 [C] Fixed message box issue (thread ID 64492) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-23 [C] Fixed white lines in curve theme (thread ID 64492) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-23 [A] Added animation to upload approval button for curve theme (thread ID 64687) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-23 [A] Added upload approval message to admin welcome message (thread ID 64687) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-19 [B] Fixed number of users when searching users on user manager (thread ID 64455) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-19 [D] Added developer documentation that explains packaging {GauGau}
2010-04-19 [C] Fixed typos in docs/*/script.js (thread ID 64510) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-15 [D] Added details to docs about translation {GauGau}
2010-04-15 [D] Added admin tools and administration section for Dutch documentation section (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-04-15 [C] Fixed version count issue in install.php (thread ID 64566) {GauGau}
2010-04-15 [D] Added indentation and "to top" links on config page {GauGau}
2010-04-15 [C] Added correct default value for ImageMagick path to reflect check for traling slash {GauGau}
2010-04-15 [C] Corrected improper German translation {GauGau}
2010-04-11 [A] Added partial Slovenian translation (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-04-11 [D] Added section about adding language files to dev-only section of documentation {GauGau}
2010-04-10 [A] Added partial Arabic translation (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-04-09 [D] Added clarification about quota to docs {GauGau}
2010-04-08 [C] Changed label of submit button for user creation (thread ID 64423) {GauGau}
2010-04-07 [D] Added credits for Dutch language contributions {GauGau}
2010-04-07 [D] Added partial Dutch translation of documentation (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-04-07 [M] Added code so that debug messages of swfupload flash uploader is shown in debug output {Abbas}
2010-04-01 [C] Added number of views to file details if detailed hit statistics are enabled (thread ID 63440) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-04-01 [C] Added class 'buttonlist' to all core themes {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-31 [A] Added trailing slash check for ImageMagick path (thread ID 64333) {Nibbler}
2010-03-31 [B] Added check if plugin is installed (thread ID 64325) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-30 [B] Fixed issue when clicking keyword in file information (thread ID 64209) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-30 [C] Changed delimiter in page title (thread ID 64283) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-30 [B] Fixed referer issue when switching between login.php and contact.php (thread ID 64288) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-30 [O] Removed hard coded user_id on install.php (thread ID 64292) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-30 [O] Updated German language files {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-29 [B] Removed referer from contact link if we are already on the contact page (thread ID 64288) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-28 [A] Added user-contributed partially-translated Spanish language file {GauGau}
2010-03-27 [D] Various minor documentation improvements {GauGau}
2010-03-26 [A] Added plugin hook main_page_layout {GauGau}
2010-03-26 [B] Fixed wrong linked files counter for subcategories {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-26 [B] Fixed category meta album issue with linked files (thread ID 64155) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-25 [B] Improved fix for IE and non-latin characters in album name (thread ID 64167) {Nibbler}
2010-03-25 [C] Fixed validation issue with javascript generated page navigation {timoswelt}
2010-03-25 [C] Always display arrow and delete icons in album manager {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-25 [B] Fixed sidebar search (thread ID 64247) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-25 [C] Added missing greybox class to updater help {GauGau}
2010-03-24 [A] Added guest token. Fixes guests cannot enter file details issue (thread ID 62522) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-24 [B] Fixed issue with IE and non-latin characters in album name (thread ID 64167) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-24 [B] Fixed missing uniqid() parameter for users running PHP 4 (thread ID 64193) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-23 [B] Fixed empty list of available bridges in bridge manager when running PHP4 (thread ID 64220) {Nibbler}
2010-03-23 [B] Fixed missing album details for albums in sub categories (thread ID 64215) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-23 [M] Counted version number up from in file headers from cpg1.5.3 to cpg1.5.4 as a preparation for the next release {GauGau}
2010-03-22 [D] Updated visual appearance of plugin version checking routine {GauGau}
2010-03-22 [D] Added documentation section about plugin manager feature that checks Coppermine version of a plugin {GauGau}
2010-03-22 [O] Removed line numbers showing through on approval screen, displaying additional related links instead (thread ID 64192) {GauGau}
2010-03-21 [A] Added user-contributed Dutch language file (thread ID 64109) {GauGau}
2010-03-19 [B] Fixed issue when admin renames file and new file name already exists (thread ID 61956) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-19 [B] Fixed error message after upload for registered users (thread ID 64117) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-19 [C] Removed hard coded table header layout in user manager (thread ID 64166) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-18 [O] Removed reference to oudated config setting 'display_social_bookmarks' (thread ID 64143) {GauGau}
2010-03-18 [B] Fixed clickable keyword in file information (thread ID 64151) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-18 [B] Fixed clickable keyword search (thread ID 64151) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-17 [C] Fixed a lot of cosmetical issues with curve theme and IE7 {timoswelt}
2010-03-16 [B] Fixed deprecated warning message on plugin manager (thread ID 62560) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-16 [O] Updated Polish language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-03-15 [D] Added documentation section about forgotten passwords {GauGau}
2010-03-14 [D] Fixed link to upgrade section (thread ID 64092) {GauGau}
2010-03-13 [B] Fixed search issue (thread ID 64087) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-12 [D] Added details about language selectors to documentation {GauGau}
2010-03-12 [C] Fixed contact form validation issues (thread ID 64074) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-12 [C] Further improved curve IE6 compatibility {timoswelt}
2010-03-12 [M] Moved valid_meta_albums array to init.inc.php (thread ID 63977) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-12 [C] Fixed comment input box width {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-12 [C] Curve theme menu and layout is now IE6 compatible {timoswelt}
2010-03-12 [A] Added Luxembourgish to language variables as a preparation for the language file contribution {GauGau}
2010-03-10 [B] Fixed validation issue with curve theme (thread ID 64041) {GauGau}
2010-03-10 [D] Added GD logo {GauGau}
2010-03-10 [B] Fixed error message for invalid meta albums entered in 'content of the main page' (thread ID 63977) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-10 [D] Fixed broken images inside documentation that refered to rating {GauGau}
2010-03-08 [C] Fixed missing space between album admin menu items (thread ID 63987) {GauGau}
2010-03-08 [C] Fixed mis-alignement of album description in index view (thread ID 63990) {GauGau}
2010-03-08 [B] Replacing hard-coded words in curve theme with translated variables (thread ID 63985) {GauGau}
2010-03-06 [C] Updated Finnish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-05 [C] Added minimum height attribute to curve theme to catter for gradient background needing more space{GauGau}
2010-03-05 [M] Counted version number up as a preparation for the upcoming release {GauGau}
2010-03-04 [B] Fixed browse-by-date link in curve theme and missing extension for spacer (thread ID 63947) {GauGau}
2010-03-04 [B] Fixed search issue when private albums are present (thread 63940) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-04 [B] Fixed display of empty meta albums (thread ID 63939) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-03-03 [C] Set theme "curve" as default theme {GauGau}
2010-03-03 [M] Removed outdated core themes {GauGau}
2010-03-01 [D] Added language manager section to docs {GauGau}
2010-03-01 [A] Added Greek language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-26 [B] Slideshow from lastcom of an album doesn't start at correct file (thread ID 63585) {timoswelt}
2010-02-25 [A] Populate thumbnail pages dropdown list using JavaScript (thread ID 63844) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-23 [A] Added plugin hook 'theme_thumbnails_album_types' {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-22 [C] Increased height for logo section of coppermine theme {GauGau}
2010-02-19 [A] Added plugin hooks for thumbnail table manipulation {GauGau}
2010-02-18 [B] Added missing token checks to forms {GauGau}
2010-02-18 [A] Added icon display to preserve the same look all over the app {GauGau}
2010-02-14 [A] Use intermediate picture size as default video size (thread ID 63728) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-11 [A] Added plugin hook 'search_form' (thread ID 63693) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-11 [A] Added new parameter to functions 'starttable' and 'endtable': return or echo content {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-10 [B] Fixed slideshow from lastcom of an album to start at correct file (threadID 63585) {Nibbler}
2010-02-10 [B] Fixed search results leading to wrong files (threadID 63583) {Nibbler}
2010-02-09 [C] Replaced ascending and descending GIFs by PNGs {Timo}
2010-02-09 [C] Replaced all rating GIFs by PNGs {Timo}
2010-02-05 [A] Added Chinese language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-04 [C] Added draft for new default theme (work in progress) {GauGau}
2010-02-04 [C] Added icons for new default theme {GauGau}
2010-02-04 [B] Fixed sidebar issue (thread ID 63620) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-04 [M] Removed export feature that didn't work as expected {GauGau}
2010-02-04 [B] Updated Russian language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
2010-02-03 [C] Fixed punctuation dupes in ban manager (thread ID 63594) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-03 [C] Removed text on some buttons on album manager for space reasons (thread ID 63596) {GauGau}
2010-02-02 [B] Fixed contact form referer (thread ID 63565) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-02 [C] Added category parameter to album list link (thread ID 63530) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-02-01 [C] Fixing contact form redirect (thread ID 63544) {GauGau}
2010-02-01 [C] Added comment blocks to JS head to increase compatibility and robustness (thread ID 63555) {GauGau}
2010-01-31 [B] Fixed error message on contact page when no subject was given and the config option was set to optional (thread ID 63541) {GauGau}
2010-01-31 [C] Fixed cosmetical issue with missing suject lines (thread ID 63540) {GauGau}
2010-01-31 [B] Corrected plugin version check not taking into account exact matches {GauGau}
2010-01-31 [A] Added Russian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-29 [D] Added details about subversion repository structure {GauGau}
2010-01-29 [A] Added plugin hook 'thumb_strip_html_title' (redundant code in functions.inc.php) {timoswelt}
2010-01-26 [C] Corrected minor language file issues discussed in threads 63435 and 63437 {GauGau}
2010-01-26 [B] Removed unneeded spaces in translation strings (thread ID 63434) {GauGau}
2010-01-26 [B] Changed string 'Flash Pix' to 'FlashPix' (thread ID 63425) {GauGau}
2010-01-26 [B] Fixing translation mistake for util.php (thread ID 63417) {GauGau}
2010-01-25 [B] Fixed slide show for non-images (thread ID 63316) {Aditya}
2010-01-24 [A] Added check to plugin manager for version requirements (thread ID 63279) {GauGau}
2010-01-22 [A] Added plugin hook 'thumb_html_title' (thread ID 63321) {timoswelt}
2010-01-20 [B] Fixed display of 'optional information' header on register form (thread ID 63338) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-20 [C] Centered film strip thumbnails (thread ID 63320) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-20 [B] Fixed film strip jump label for lastcom meta album {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-20 [C] Added title and alt attributes to ajax loaded film strip thumbnails (thread ID 63321) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-19 [B] Fixed ajax film strip target for lastcom meta album (thread ID 63319) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-19 [B] Set content type to 'text/plain' for plain text ajax replies to bypass faulty ad injection on some free hosters (thread ID 63119) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-19 [B] Count admin hits during slideshow if enabled in config {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-18 [A] Added icon for Windows 7 {GauGau}
2010-01-17 [A] Added generic thumbnail for flv files to reflect t he increasing importance of that file type {GauGau}
2010-01-17 [C] Call jump label 'top_display_media' from thumbnail view {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-16 [B] Redirect to the newly uploaded picture more reliably (thread ID 63270) {Nibbler}
2010-01-16 [A] Added plugin hook 'javascript_includes' (thread ID 63185) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-15 [B] Fixed keyword dupes in keyword manager (thread ID 63228) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-13 [B] Better check if we currently look at a full sized picture or an intermediate sized picture (thread ID 63184) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-13 [C] Display full size register notice only if registration of new users is enabled (thread ID 63184) {Timo}
2010-01-11 [C] Better behaviour of 'Add your comment' name field. Click deletes the default text. {Timo}
2010-01-08 [C] Adjusted rowspan in edit_one_pic.php {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-08 [D] Small documentation improvements (web dev toolbar usage, collapsible tools recommendation list, typo fixed, class added to pre-tags) {GauGau}
2010-01-08 [B] Fixed issue with admin username during install (thread ID 63135) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-07 [D] Added database section to plugin documentation {GauGau}
2010-01-05 [C] Removed class 'image' from spacer {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-05 [B] Fixed template error with certain settings for comments and smileys (thread ID 62835) {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-05 [B] Fixed display of rating stars after vote {eenemeenemuu}
2010-01-04 [D] Minor improvements of docs {GauGau}
2010-01-02 [M] Updated header information to reflect new year {GauGau}
2009-12-30 [B] Added missing anchor attributes to themes which override the menus {Nibbler}
2009-12-29 [D] Undid the syntax highlighting changes from 2009-01-02 and added a section in the coding guidelines page about it {GauGau}
2009-12-29 [D] Added usability section to coding guidelines {GauGau}
2009-12-27 [M] Counted version number up for onlinestats from 2.3 to 2.4 {GauGau}
2009-12-27 [C] Silenced notice in onlinestats {GauGau}
2009-12-27 [B] Added missing config page for onlinestats {GauGau}
2009-12-26 [D] Updated navigation of German docs {GauGau}
2009-12-25 [D] Added detailed explanations about permissions on folder level {GauGau}
2009-12-25 [O] Removed unneeded language string {GauGau}
2009-12-25 [C] Added coppermine style classes to installer {GauGau}
2009-12-25 [C] Added button icons to installer {GauGau}
2009-12-25 [C] Renamed install_old.php to install_classic.php {GauGau}
2009-12-22 [B] Turned "restore factory defaults" into a hidden option to avoid issues with IE6 (thread ID 62899) {GauGau}
2009-12-22 [D] Added install screen steps for the wizard {GauGau}
2009-12-21 [D] Added details to documentation navigation {GauGau}
2009-12-21 [C] Fixed some minor typos in docs {GauGau}
2009-12-17 [B] Fixed server side 404 errors when rating is disabled (thread ID 62747) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-12-17 [C] Fixed typo in inline CSS (thread ID 62885) {GauGau}
2009-12-11 [D] Added announcement icon {GauGau}
2009-12-11 [B] Fixed typo in Polish language file {eenemeenemuu}
2009-12-11 [B] Fixed template error with certain settings for comments and smileys (thread ID 62835) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-12-11 [B] Preserve alpha channel in png thumbnails (thread ID 62286) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-12-11 [M] Updated version count from cpg1.5.2 to cpg1.5.3 to prepare the next release {GauGau}
2009-12-11 [O] Added coppermine globals to custom_include function to allow usage of those variables from within the custom header or footer files {GauGau} {Timo}
2009-12-10 [B] Added support for vertical filmstrip (thread ID 62740) {Timo}
2009-12-07 [C] Added loader.gif to image class (thread ID 62780) {Timo}
2009-12-02 [C] Prev button in filmstrip wrong position in some browsers (thread ID 62710) {Timo}
2009-11-30 [B] Use recursive stripslashes function in Inspekt (thread ID 62532) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-30 [B] Fixed navigation section of thumbnails page in eyeball theme (thread ID 62682) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-28 [B] Fixed intermediate image display (thread ID 62581) {Nibbler}
2009-11-28 [B] Fixed private album display (thread ID 62659) {Nibbler}
2009-11-27 [O] Removed double entry from debug_output {GauGau}
2009-11-27 [C] Added color attribute to expand/collapse links {GauGau}
2009-11-23 [A] Added plugin hook 'fullsize_html' (thread ID 62592) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-20 [B] Fixed linked picture count on album details {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-20 [C] Fixed filmstrip hopping around if prev/next buttons get hidden (thread ID 62562) {Timo}
2009-11-18 [B] Fixed filmstrip showing (after scrolling) the same image several times (thread ID 62461) {Timo}
2009-11-18 [A] Added Polish language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-17 [B] Fixed error message after guests upload files with swf uploader (thread ID 62522) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-17 [M] Added old bridge files to delete file array (thread ID 62519) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-16 [C] Added transparency to navbar images {GauGau}
2009-11-16 [C] Added missing navbar images to standard themes (thread ID 62511) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-16 [M] Added message if no pictures were moved in picmgr.php (thread ID 62494) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-11-16 [S] Release of cpg1.5.2 (beta) for the public {GauGau}
2009-11-12 [B] Fixed IE category creation bug (thread ID 62441) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-10-12 [B] Fix missing user admin buttons (thread ID 62046) {Paver}
2009-10-12 [A] Allow theme to override default pic_info and slideshow buttons on displayimage (thread ID 61877) {Paver}
2009-10-07 [O] Replaced hard coded JPEG quality with config value in picture editor {eenemeenemuu}
2009-10-07 [B] Fixed several issues with picture editor (thread ID 61789) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-10-07 [B] Set correct owner id for personal albums during upgrade process (thread ID 61715) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-10-07 [B] Fixed editpics permission error (thread ID 62045) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-10-06 [A] Added navbar buttons for first/last file (thread ID 61335) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-10-06 [A] Added Finnish language file (user contribution) {GauGau}
2009-10-02 [A] Added formal German language file {GauGau}
2009-10-02 [C] Hide noscript table rows if JavaScript is enabled {eenemeenemuu}
2009-10-01 [O] Moved transliteration library to include sub-folder {GauGau}
2009-10-01 [A] Added transliteration library (thread ID 61723) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-09-29 [B] Fixed several issues with meta album 'lastalb' {eenemeenemuu}
2009-09-21 [A] Added plugin filter theme_pageheader_params for pageheader manipulation purposes {GauGau}
2009-09-14 [A] Rename special chars in file name with underscore during upload process (thread ID 61723) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-09-14 [B] Fixed code to check the filesize and reject if it exceeds the max allowed by cpg config {Abbas}
2009-09-10 [O] Removed default social bookmarks option, turning feature into standalone plugin {GauGau}
2009-09-10 [B] Fixed keyword separator of space being trimmed in config table due to VARCHAR {Paver}
2009-09-09 [B] Fixed config panel theme & lang being overridden by user settings (thread ID 61650 & 61651) {Paver}
2009-09-09 [B] Fixed ?theme=xxx to reset to config theme (thread ID 61645) {Paver}
2009-09-02 [A] Added plugin hooks 'cpg_mail_to_email' & 'cpg_mail_sender_email' {eenemeenemuu}
2009-09-01 [B] Fixed old-style rating system and cleaned up rating system code {Paver}
2009-09-01 [O] Removed raw HTML lines from theme_display_fullsize_pic {Paver}
2009-08-31 [B] Fixed permission check in crop/rotate wrongly denying access {Nibbler}
2009-08-28 [A] Added js function strip_tags to strip html while showing error in js alert {Abbas}
2009-08-26 [A] Added back in "move to top/bottom" to album & picture managers {Paver}
2009-08-26 [C] Cleaned up picture manager display including toggle buttons to show/hide thumbnails {Paver}
2009-08-26 [B] Fixed the issue of proper handling of php's native error during upload process (flash) {Abbas}
2009-08-25 [B] Fixed sorting bugs in album and picture managers (thread ID 61352) {Paver}
2009-08-25 [B] Fixed caching issues with xp publisher {Nibbler}
2009-08-25 [B] Fixed issue with creating albums in xp publisher with MySQL's strict mode enabled {Nibbler}
2009-08-25 [B] Fixed bridge issue when creating albums in xp publisher {Nibbler}
2009-08-23 [A] Displaying thumbnail on picture manager (thread ID 61340) {GauGau}
2009-08-21 [B] Fixed issue when viewing pictures of meta albums (thread ID 61265) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-08-20 [B] Added function to bring jquery library to top of JavaScript includes list {GauGau}
2009-08-14 [S] Added form token to plug-in manager {eenemeenemuu}
2009-08-12 [O] Disallowed zero as possible value for number of login attempts option {GauGau}
2009-08-06 [A] Added plugin hooks 'smilies_display' & 'smilies_process' {eenemeenemuu}
2009-08-04 [B] Fixed sloppy coding in album manager {GauGau}
2009-08-03 [B] Fixed user manager pagination (thread ID 60871) {Nibbler}
2009-07-29 [B] Removed unneeded
-section that caused 404 error for inline-help (thread ID 60847) {GauGau}
2009-07-25 [D] Fixed reference to plugins folder (thread ID 60772) {GauGau}
2009-07-24 [M] Updated version count from cpg1.5.1 to cpg1.5.2 to prepare the next release {GauGau}
2009-07-24 [S] Release of cpg1.5.1 (alpha) to closed user group {GauGau}
2009-07-22 [B] Fixing 'browse by date' function (thread ID 60694) {Nibbler}
2009-07-14 [B] Only display custom user profile fields if corresponding config option is populated {GauGau}
2009-07-13 [D] Updated testing instructions as a preparation for the first release to the testers {GauGau}
2009-07-10 [A] Added config option to determine resize dimension for intermediate pictures {eenemeenemuu}
2009-07-10 [C] Added confirmation message after editing a file (thread 60096) {eenemeenemuu}
2009-07-08 [O] Added additional information for register globals (thread ID60486) {GauGau}
2009-06-23 [O] Organized & optimized update.php and added output rows for file updates {Paver}
2009-06-23 [B] Corrected label on update.php for deleting files by fixing delete function return value {Paver}
2009-06-18 [D] Added missing documentation about thumb sharpening {GauGau}
2009-06-14 [A] Handle missing images better by displaying a placeholder image and logging the missing file {Nibbler}
2009-06-13 [M] Remove image_processor.php {Nibbler}
2009-06-12 [B] Fixed checkAll function calling who doesn't work in reviewcom.php {Frantz}
2009-06-11 [C] Added help icons and alternative layout to category manager {GauGau}
2009-06-10 [A] Added parameter to starttable function to allow easy adding of alternating row colors in the future {GauGau}
2009-06-09 [C] Replaced hard-coded lang strings with lang variables ind delete.php {Frantz}
2009-06-09 [A] Added support for HTML5