I paint from emotion and for emotion. My ideal painting happens when I can draw it out from my subconsciousness and paint it in such a way that the resulting image causes a subconscious response in a viewer. This, for me, is the ultimate painting success.
Color is my chief concern – color to make light, color as feeling and color as aesthetics.
I don’t believe there is one truth to the light and color around us, rather it is a light which I sense for myself as I paint. I am not interested in nature as much as in what I have to say about it. The place I am in plays a role, but my priority is the feeling that a painting suggests.

I was born in Poland. After graduating from the Warsaw University with a degree in Mathematics I became a professional software developer. However, painting was always my primary interest and once my youngest child reached teenage years, I started to take numerous painting classes and workshops.
Also, I have studied privately pastel with Christina Debarry and oil with Aleksandra K. Nowak.
Since entering my first exhibition in 2003, I have received numerous awards in open juried competitions.
I am a Signature Member of Pastel Society of New Jersey.